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  • Writer's pictureKena & Scott Sohler

Are You Ready To Learn About Natural Health?

Because of past severe, chronic health problems, I have over 12 years experience using and making herbal remedies for myself and my family. I say now, that I had been given multiple health problems as a gift, so I could learn about herbs and nutrition and basically change everything about my life, heading in a new powerful direction. I certainly didn't recognize that gift until much later but can look back and see the good that has come from my disabling conditions and the suffering that accompanied it and then the healing and deep health that has developed since. I didn't know that I could feel good every day and find God's remedies to keep in my cupboard to assist me, my family and my friends on our journey to maintain health in a natural way. With the Lord's guidance, I was able to heal completely from over 10 chronic conditions and wean off many pharmaceuticals to achieve true lasting health and then be able to start a very busy small business with my hubby and son. I love to share what I've learned and help others to find a better way to live.

I am a retired Registered Nurse and have my Herbal Diploma. I have completed several years of herbal apprenticeships and have attended countless conferences and workshops. I have my Wholistic Nutrition Certificate and love to learn more as I go along. I am also a Beekeeper and make natural skincare remedies for our business BeeBlesst, LLC.

I continue to learn about, practice and teach Christian-based herbalism and believe all remedies are a gift from God. If you are interested in learning about natural health or adding herbs into your life, I am available for consultations in person or by phone.

Below is an excerpt from my Herbal Information Sheet I give to my clients. This is the general information that accompanies information on individual herbs we can decide together that you will be able to learn about and try for yourself. I can recommend how you can grow them or who I trust to purchase them from.

*GENERAL HERBAL ADVICE: Let me know if you are taking any medications or have any health issues so we can decide the best course. When starting anything new, start slow. With new tinctures, start with a couple drops and see how this feels. Always put in liquid such as juice, tea or water as the small amount of alcohol may be harsh on oral tissues. Take a few more drops the next couple times and see how you do. Work your way up. I usually need less than what most tinctures recommend and you may too. I make most of mine in as close to a 1:5 ratio as I can, which is a common standard on the more gentle end. Not all tinctures are meant to be taken regularly, but for a temporary purpose and this is noted if applicable. If you purchase a tincture, it will tell you what ratio it is made in so that will give you an idea of strength. A ratio of 1:5 means 1 part herb to 5 parts solvent, usually alcohol or glycerin. The alcohol taken is a very small amount, measured in drops or dropperfuls and not a significant portion. A dose has no more alcohol that if you ate a banana.

*BREAK SCHEDULE: If you are taking a tincture regularly, take one day off per week, one week off per month or two and one month off per year. There are substitutes for almost every herb I know of, so it is a good idea to change herbs on occasion. You may realize you don’t need it anymore or that the new one works better. Combinations of gentle herbs can sometimes bring better relief than a single one. Talk to me or a qualified herbal practitioner with any questions.

*GENERAL HERBAL INFORMATION: All herbal remedies that assist us also have the potential for harm if used improperly. Please remember that too much of anything can cause problems and more is not better. It is important to use the correct herb, the correct part of the herb, correctly prepared and in the correct dose and to look for organic or ethically harvested quality plant remedies. Thankfully, most herbs are much safer than pharmaceuticals and laboratory-made supplements. I do not recommend any plants that are considered toxic or poisonous. Not only are plants God-given remedies, safe use of herbal medicine dates back thousands of years and there are countless articles and studies in medical literature supporting use of plants to help us and to bring us ease and comfort. I recommend you research everything you put into your body or give to your family. Although there is good information to be found, beware that misinformation and false claims abound on the internet. Ask those who have worked long-term with herbal remedies and who have had good success for advice. Find notable, well-spoken-of books and respected herbal practitioners to gain knowledge from to help you in your quest. Be informed and be cautious, be wary and alert, but do not be fearful or thwarted from your intent to live a more natural and healthy life.

Another important factor here is that certain diseases or feelings of anxiety, nervousness or depression can indicate spiritual issues or oppression, so pastoral advice, spiritual counseling and intercessory prayer or deliverance may also be indicated. Let me know if you would like to learn about being “born again” as many health problems can be related to or worsened by spiritual issues.

Most importantly, keep God’s word in your heart. Read and memorize scripture as part of your healing process. The only way to truly heal is to trust JESUS as your Lord and Savior and to ask Him to help and heal you.

May God’s richest blessings shine upon you and may our GOD and FATHER, JESUS CHRIST have ALL the GLORY for everything. Remember, He made it all and is the one and only true healer!

My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body. Proverbs 4:20-22

All opinions stated within are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended or implied to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, prescribe for or remark on any disease or medical state. Please consult a health care provider or herbal expert with any questions about your own health.

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