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Our honey is pure, raw and unprocessed. We gently strain it leaving it full of natural pollen, vitamins, minerals, propolis, enzymes, amino acids and many other healthy ingredients. It may just be the best honey you've ever tasted. We do our best to bring you THE BEST! 





Several years ago, we started making our own infused oils, skin creams, balms and soaps as I (Kena) was born highly sensitive to most chemicals used in foods and topical products. It has been a long road to develop skin care products that have healed and improved my sensitive skin and we are so happy to share them with you. 

Our products are made with infused oils in a low ratio of plant to oil that we make ourselves. By using these gently infused oils, we can avoid concentrated, unnatural essential oils that only use a very small fraction of the plant. Yes, we believe a highly concentrated distillation process does not give a natural outcome and has been shown to be harmful in some circumstances. My background is in nursing, herbalism and nutrition and I am an avid researcher. I also have personal experience with skin problems related to many skin care products. They are just way too intense for many like me, who have sensitive senses and skin. BeeBlesst products are made with a lesser amount of plant material so are different than most products we have seen. Our method of infusion, using a smaller amount of organic plants with a bit of heat, then time (we cold-steep for 6-9 weeks), makes for a, gentle, yet very effective product. We have found no need for essential (distilled) oils, as our infused oils still pull off the volatile oils with their known properties and this time-honored form of extraction takes all the other constituents as well, not just the single volatile oil, as happens in distillation of essential oils. We have found that all the plant parts work together and make a more whole, balanced product instead of using a small fraction and concentrated part of the plantOur all natural products are designed for everyone and can be used by those who are sensitive to chemicals and concentrated products. 

Important information about Essential oils vs Infused oils: 

1. Essential oils concentrate all pesticides and herbicides into a very small amount of oil. Even if they are organic, they may still use approved "chemicals" or other growing or pest-deterring products that will be highly concentrated in the final product. Our organic infused oils do not concentrate anything with this process.

2. There are numerous documented injuries from internal and external use of essential oils, including severe long term skin sensitivity and harm to pets, especially if swallowed. Infused oils are safe for sensitive skin and not harmful, even if eaten.  

3. Essential oils use a very small portion of the plant. Only 1-5% of the plant contains the volatile oils that are called "essential" oils, so they use hundreds and often thousands of pounds of plant material for only a couple of pounds of oil. There is a lot of plant waste. It takes 2 tons, or 4000 pounds of Bulgarian roses to produce one pound of essential oil. Almost 8 million jasmine flowers picked on the day they open, are needed to produce just over 2 pounds of oil and lemon balm requires 3 tons (6000 pounds) of fresh leaves and tops for one pound of oil. Our infused oils are measured in grams and ounces so there is very little waste!  

4. Essential oil companies have taken over massive amounts of land all over the world and most use monoculture growing practices which have been shown to damage natural ecosystems. Infused oils can be grown anywhere on any amount of land and we purchase most of our plants from a company that grows all sorts of organic plants at their farm. 


Of course, our honey is good forever if you don't introduce anything into it. Keep it free of water or anything else and it will last and last. It is the only food that does not spoil. Amazing!

We expect all our skin care products, unless otherwise specified, to remain good to use for at least one year from purchase. We receive our herbs when they are fresh and then dry them until just dry. We occasionally use organic dry herbs we order from others that have been recently dried by them if we run low before we can make more from fresh plants. We infuse the herbs in oil using primarily the cold-steep method in darkness for 5 to 9 weeks depending on the plant. We process our base oils after the steep time with a short heating after straining to make sure they are as clean and safe as possible without compromising integrity. All of the oils are stored in refrigeration, so our products remain as fresh as possible. When we make our products, we use clean and sterile techniques and use all natural preservatives that help keep everything fresh and healthy to use. We make small batches and pay great attention to details. We believe that each step in the process is the most important and make each one with ongoing love and prayers, asking God's blessing on everything along the way, hoping that they will benefit you deeply.


I am very intolerant to medicines, so am very grateful that the Lord has provided plants and bee products  for us to use for our health. As a nurse, I am familiar with medical terms but as an herbalist, I am not allowed to talk about herbs or bee blessings in a medical sense. If you are interested in a particular herb or bee product, I strongly suggest you do your own research on the benefits to the skin and your health that they impart. Historically many herbs are used for various skin conditions and can be antimicrobial. You can often find studies to back this up. These work differently and in our experience, more gently and whole-istically than medicines. Our products are defined under the cosmetic rules and I am only able to share certain information as it relates to cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance and I am also able to share personal experiences, including my own. Within that scope, I have listed some of their traditional uses and how I have used them in the Product Info sections. There are absolutely no guarantees made as we all will have individual outcomes. You are welcome to email or call me with any questions.



Use a tiny amount at first on a small patch of skin preferably the inner arm to make sure you don’t have an adverse skin reaction before using any of our skin products in larger amounts. There are those who may have an allergy or intolerance to certain plants. Calendula and Chamomile may cause a rare allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae family (Ragweed). Some feel pregnant women should use caution with Calendula while others feel it is safe, especially in small  amounts. Here's an interesting perspective from a long-time herbal practitioner.

We recommend you do what you are comfortable with and do not encourage you to use any of our products if you have any concerns or unanswered questions about them. We make our BeeYond Lavender Butter without any ingredients that would affect pregnancy, so this is a good choice in that instance. If you have health issues or questions, we recommend you contact your healthcare provider and/or an herbal practitioner before using our products. 


As always, this information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, prescribe for or remark on any disease or medical state.


Our products are made with an all natural preservative that works well in oil products and is an extract of the elderberry. Also the herbs, beeswax and honey are all naturally antimicrobial and preserving. It is still important to not introduce wet hands or water into any of the products as this will encourage the growth of microbes since the elderberry preservative is made specifically for oil, not water and water in products is what encourages the growth of germs, even if made with natural antimicrobial ingredients. If you are using a dropper which is what is included with the oils, do not touch the dropper to water, skin, hair or any other surface. I encourage you to make sure you do not set the dropper down anywhere when you are expelling the drops and immediately put it back in the bottle after use. Use clean, dry hands or a scooping tool to remove the butters and balms from the jars. Keep products in a cool, dry place and you can keep your products in the refrigerator for longer storage.

Honey 2022
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